


Indigo is a little book charged with big love for intuitive, passionate souls charting a new way forward.  The poetical expressions acknowledge both obstacles and triumphs of being and celebrates our collective diversity.

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Indigo, in color or cultural perspective on spirituality, designs broad interpretations of value. In the atmosphere, indigo is between the blue and violet colors of rainbows. Sometimes, indigo paints the sky in blue-violet hues during twilight. On those evenings, social media overflows with sunset photographs boasting the hashtag, #nofilter. Both centuries-old and new age philosophies of spirituality recognize indigo as the harbinger of wellness and intuition. Many believe in the power and healing properties of indigo-colored crystals and stones, which are grounded in connectivity to honesty and a higher plane of consciousness. Indigo is healing; it is attunement, insight, clarity, and a conduit of wisdom. The color indigo represents our third eye chakra, where the gifts of discerning outer and inner worlds afford our essential guidance from within. There are indigo children, a generation of intuitive healers manifesting global wellness through awareness and empathy. Considered by many as spiritual warriors, these old souls are purposeful, agents of change. Indigos are here to awaken our collective spirituality, revolutionize our perspective, and heal our world. They shift sedentary viewpoints beyond the enslavement of societal boxes and urge expansion toward personal freedom. Indigos are the physical embodiment of kindness. They are ambassadors of love who recognize distinctions of being and sanctify each individual's right to live their authentic lives. Indigo is the only title that encompasses the words and intention within this book, which is written by and for indigo-hearted souls.