The Future Has Come To Collect My Kid

ode to moms of high school seniors


Mothering a high school senior is a restless wrestle between joy and grief. Timelines tread across my heart steadfast to the shores of tomorrow where my child belongs.

Be still my mothering heart. Pathways toward inevitable goodbyes spark momentary urges to pause the fast-forward dash ahead. Instead, I embrace the whirlwind of change.

Motherhood is breathtaking and remarkable. I can miss their littleness and embrace their adultness in tandem. From steering little red wagons to piloting their future, these years flutter by like a hummingbird's flight, iridescently beautiful and stunningly fast.

Recollections of younger years thread my thoughts as love and nostalgia flood my eyes and heart. I reminisce about fun and growth, your preschool voice cheering with effusive glee as I pushed you higher on the swing, and your elated expression the first time you drove the car.

As joy and release compose new chapters,  I am reminded to express gratitude,  step aside, and lovingly let go. In this era of exquisite surrender,  I welcome my new mothering privilege and grow with the flow.

Final high school events and the celebratory hum of traditions, triumphs, and transitions grow louder, and I know the future has come to collect my kid.

Behold the young adult at the helm of graduation and growth.  I marvel as childhood unravels and adulthood assembles. Love, memories, excitement, and confidence abound as new precedents and pathways take hold. 

My kid has gone to welcome their future.